Xlib: DisplayWidth / DisplayHeight

Po Lu luangruo at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 31 08:51:48 UTC 2023

Zbigniew <zbigniew2011 at gmail.com> writes:

> You already know, what I mean — since you've already guessed it: the
> physical screen I have. Why? Because that's the area where the window
> of my program will appear.
> What makes you think, that the creators of these functions, when
> designing them years ago, meant anything different at that time, than
> „resolution of physical screen handled by its Xserver”?

They were not designed ``years ago'', but decades ago, and without
stipulating the nature or number of output devices connected to each
screen, but merely its function as an identifier for a root window and
graphics configuration.

Client windows must be inferiors of the root window, and the root window
spans the entirety of its screen, so by necessity any extension that
connects multiple outputs to the same ``desktop'' (root window) must
connect multiple outputs to the same screen.

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