[ANNOUNCE] libXft 2.3.5

Thomas Dickey dickey at his.com
Mon Sep 5 21:28:46 UTC 2022

Alan Coopersmith (3):
      Build xz tarballs instead of bzip2
      Fix spelling/wording issues
      gitlab CI: add a basic build test

Maxime Coste (3):
      Introduce a _XftCompositeString helper function
      Introduce a _XftCompositeText helper function
      Add support for BGRA glyphs display and scaling

Thomas E. Dickey (51):
      quiet unused-parameter warnings with _X_UNUSED
      cleanup warnings about discarding const
      fix missing-initializer warning
      promote font->num_glyphs to FT_UInt or Glyph to fix warnings
      quiet warnings with casts
      change the internal memory-allocator to use size_t
      quiet compiler warning with cast
      quiet compiler warning with cast
      formatting fix, for clarity (no object change)
      fix warnings by gcc 11; check if length <= zero
      reuse macros from Xcursor.man to fix ragged layout of typedefs and prototypes
      corrected prototypes in manpage, matching Xft.h
      install man-aliases for all of the exported symbols
      cleanup manpage comments
      amend rule for creating manpage aliases
      initial draft of initialization-functions documentation
      consistently bold "Xft"
      change data-types to subsections to help with readability
      add overview for text-extents section
      document XftFontOpenXlfd and XftXlfdParse
      move prototype for XftNameUnparse to Xft.h
      remove remaining internal prototypes for obsolete xftcompat.c
      add section on manipulating font patterns
      add section on manipulating font data
      document the clipping-functions
      reduce clutter for external data-types by documenting them one time
      document XftGlyphFontSpecRender() and related functions.
      add a table of the "families" of functions
      add a section on the XFT_DEBUG environment variable
      add section of functions managing XftColor
      add debugging trace for XftDefaultSet()
      reduce clutter with macros for allocating arrays
      add "trackmemusage" property to use in improved _XftFontUncacheGlyph
      add option for tracking glyph memory-usage on a linked list
      validate linked-list updates with _XftValidateGlyphUsage
      refactor _XftFontUncacheGlyph, separate the two types of loop for readability
      add asserts (to help with debugging), update copyright notices
      fix delinkage of last glyph in font, improve debug-trace
      cppcheck/gcc-stricter warnings about printf-formats and operator precedence
      when tracking glyph memory usage, unload the oldest glyph rather than randomly
      improve glyph management by relinking to unload least-recently used glyphs
      document new features for glyph memory-tracking
      errata (cppcheck, clang --analyze, manpage credit)
      build-fix for c89
      cleanup new compiler warnings
      merge changes by Christian Werner
      fix new gcc warnings
      add a null-pointer check
      update copyright notice
      libXft 2.3.5

git tag: libXft-2.3.5

SHA256: f7324aa0664115223672bae55086f3a9ae8f6ad4cdca87a8dd620295ee459e1a  libXft-2.3.5.tar.gz
SHA512: 133165115bf8220cd76c72a6c8b2785e08626243a2eab015a3f76bdad302c41dafd2996299b8a5d13754aef214c4527e0f72f6975a00227269885fe53248031b  libXft-2.3.5.tar.gz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib/libXft-2.3.5.tar.gz.sig

SHA256: 684fd6ec83db80b391b8111f604d9225772b26bb78bba261d77a5eaddab6a1ee  libXft-2.3.5.tar.xz
SHA512: e1e037dbc4f8bbf8204bdf99a199c82b5f1182875d28bd9f0a4ec2aec95b05de21e97029ec036b9a3f70f1d6e8a42f0052f4ab30809aee7411fa2e438899db9e  libXft-2.3.5.tar.xz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib/libXft-2.3.5.tar.xz.sig

Thomas E. Dickey <dickey at invisible-island.net>
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