Fwd: problem opening/loading an X11 font.
L. A. Walsh
freedesktop at tlinx.org
Fri May 21 20:20:24 UTC 2021
Thought maybe someone here might have a clue...this just seems
weird to me, like "it shouldn't be happening".
FWIW, running 'X-server' from cygwin distribution, on Win7SP1x64
but the xls prog, and xterm prog and xdefaults file are
on a SuSE linux (x64) server.
Most fonts exist on both machines, except for maybe newer ones
installed since my last cross-machine sync. FWIW, been running
cyg-X on win + linux clients for > 20 years so most fonts dup'd+sync'd
way long ago.
I looked at the x-chatter w/wireshark, and sure seems to be asking
for what I think it is asking using OpenFont (my X connection tween my
winbox+linbox isn't encrypted).
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: problem opening/loading an X11 font.
Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 00:17:58 -0700
From: L A Walsh <cygwin at tlinx.org>
To: cygwin at cygwin.com <cygwin at cygwin.com>
If I use 'xlsfonts' to list my X server fonts, one of them
fonts I am trying to use is "lucidatypewriter-medium".
display xlsfonts and filtering on the family, I get tons:
160 matches of various sizes and encodings....
So in my "~/.Xdefaults", I have tried:
!XTerm*font: -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
XTerm*font: lucidatypewriter
full and sparse specification, but no matter, when I run xterm, I get:
xterm: cannot load font
xterm: cannot load font '-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-'
xterm: cannot load font '-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-'
xterm: cannot load font 'lucidatypewriter-medium'
xterm: cannot load font 'lucidatypewriter-medium'
How is this possible? xlsfonts displays the font(s), but
an x-prog like xterm can't load any form
Have tried neutering locale as well to no effect.
(LC_ALL=C or POSIX)...
Can't figure out why the font is listed but not loadable??!
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