How to switch to a particular resolution? Xorg complains "No valid modes for "DFP-1:2560x1600"; removing." and ignores my setting.

Yuri yuri at
Wed Sep 23 18:53:47 UTC 2020

On 2020-09-23 03:47, Adam Nielsen wrote:
> You could try the IgnoreEDID option in case the monitor isn't reporting
> its valid modes correctly.  But I'm not sure why you have Depth 1
> (monochrome) rather than the more usual 24 or 32.  What happens if you
> set Depth 32?

Adding this line

 > Option      "IgnoreEDID"  "1"

into the "Device" section didn't help, and Xorg printed the same warning 
into Xorg

There are sections for all depths, including Depth 24, so this isn't a 

> If that doesn't work, what monitor, video card, and cable type are you
> using? (e.g. HDMI, Dual DVI, or DisplayPort)

Monitor: Samsung U28D590

Video card: NVidia GT610


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