Xvfb and number of bytes per pixel

Adam Nielsen a.nielsen at shikadi.net
Sun Sep 13 03:48:56 UTC 2020

> The main issue is that we don't have enough (physical) space and budget ;)
> to use bigger and more expensive projectors with edge blending, so I wrote
> small piece of code for that (python + moderngl) which is grabbing pixel
> data from xvfb to "project" it onto a big quad, then, setting viewports I'm
> calculating edge masks for overlapping areas, and black levels for non
> overlapping aras... etc.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but couldn't you just use xrandr to change
the viewports for each output so that a few pixels near the edges
overlap and get sent to multiple projectors?

Maybe the overlapping sections might become a bit brighter having the same
pixels drawn by two projectors, but I guess you could just overlay a fixed
rectangle in your code with the right alpha value to dim those pixels to


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