WM_DELETE_WINDOW does not send ClientMessage

Roland Plüss roland at rptd.ch
Sun Jan 19 18:39:38 UTC 2020

I've added now an event loop to the render thread using that display
connection. This seems to work. Come to think of it this is actually not
so bad anyways. Moved some events over to that event loop. In the end I
need the main loop only for input handling so these events can go to the
render thread. Not even needed to use XInitThreads.

Yours sincerely
Plüss Roland

Leader and Head Programmer
- Game: Epsylon ( http://www.indiedb.com/games/epsylon )
- Game Engine: Drag[en]gine ( http://www.indiedb.com/engines/dragengine
, http://dragengine.rptd.ch/wiki )
- As well as various Blender export scripts und game tools

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