xvfb package dependency suggestion

Sean Suchter sean at suchter.com
Sat Aug 22 22:52:52 UTC 2020

Hi xorg-folks -

Thanks for all the work you do that allows the rest of us to use X11.

I came across an issue today when trying to use Xvfb on a headless Linux
server. I couldn't figure out why Xvfb would start,but have no framebuffers
available. (glXGetFBConfigs would always return NULL). I finally (after
several hours) figured out that the problem was the lack of
'swrast_dri.so', which I'm guessing is a software raster driver. Once I
figured out that I needed this library (again, several hours), the
forthcoming fix was trivial:

I'm using Centos 8, and I easily found the package that provides it:

% dnf provides '*/swrast_dri.so'
mesa-dri-drivers-19.3.4-2.el8.x86_64 : Mesa-based DRI drivers
Repo        : @System
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/lib64/dri/swrast_dri.so

Once I installed mesa-dri-drivers, everything worked.

My suggestion is to make xorg-x11-server-Xvfb depend on mesa-dri-drivers,
since it obviously wants to use this provided library.

Thanks, Sean
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