xauth clarifications

Sylvain Leroux sylvain at chicoree.fr
Mon Feb 26 14:21:17 UTC 2018

Hi Michal,

Thanks to your answer and by studying the /usr/bin/startx script on my
system, things are much more clear now.

On 02/22/2018 05:16 PM, Michal Srb wrote:
>> 3) Are Xorg and Xephyr handling xauth the same way? 
>> ================================================ I'm using both a
>> genuine Xorg server and Xephyr.
>> Are both of them consistent in their way to handle xauth
>> authorizations?
> I think yes.
I can't see a "-auth" option in the Xephyr man page. So, do you you know
against what it checks incoming client credentials? I suspect it
will use the process owner's ~/.Xauthority file but I'm not sure...

-- Sylvain Leroux
-- sylvain at chicoree.fr
-- http://www.chicoree.fr

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