X is consuming ~100 GiB of RAM(!)

Hi-Angel hiangel999 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 00:36:07 UTC 2017

On 6 December 2017 at 02:36, Vladimir Dergachev <volodya at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Also, given the the high usage does not happen outside of gnome session,
> perhaps this is connected to compositing..

There're 2 mails which didn't get yet into the ML because they contain
a screenshot, and mailman complained about a suspiciously big size,
and sent them to moderation. The TL;DR is that Xorg takes 100GB,
however xresttop shows only a few dozens of MBs. Per my understanding
this means that Xorg does not hold a memory allocated for some client,
but rather have an actual memory leak. So I recommended trying latest
Xorg, and reporting a bug if it doesn't help.

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