X11 Color Map creation problem, XAllocColorCells call throw BadValue error

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at gmx.de
Mon Apr 17 06:25:44 UTC 2017

looks like npixels is coffset is 0 on vnc, right?

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 09:48:48AM -0000, Subrata Dasgupta wrote:
>Hello All,
>I have an 32 bit X11 application running on RHEL 7 and use libX11-1.6.3-2.el7.i686 rpm X11 library. This application is facing problem while creating its own color map. Please suggest what changes need to be made in the following code to make it workable.
>This X11 application is getting BadValue error while calling XAllocColorCells function when I run the application from VNC. But it is working properly on Citrix. Application tries to create a new color map by calling XCreateColormap.
>From the gdb debugging I can see two major difference in Xlibrary call behavior between VNC and Citrix.
>1> XDisplayCells return values are different . on VNC XDisplayCells returns 64 but on Citrix client it return 256.
>2> On VNC the XCreateColormap call is returning a bigger color map ID (compared with Citrix client) which maybe out of range and so bad value error occur.
>For VNC XCreateColormap return 37748737 but for Citrix it return 8388609.
>I am not sure how to use Xlibrary to create color map for different X clients. Please help.
>Below is the high level code of the color map creation…
>void createColormap(Display *display)
>int i, n, snr, coffset, ncolors;
>Display *dnr;
>XColor dcolors[256];
>Window win;
>Colormap colormap0, colormap1;
>Visual *vis;
>win = DefaultRootWindow(display);
>ncolors = XDisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display));   // Return 64 on VNC , and 256 for Citrix.
>dnr = display;
>snr = XDefaultScreen(display);
>colormap0 = DefaultColormap(dnr,snr);
>colormap = colormap0;
>if(ncolors > 256) {
>if(ncolors > 2) {
>vis = XDefaultVisual(dnr, XDefaultScreen(dnr));
>if(vis == NULL) {
>//----------------------------------------- portion between this dotted lines do not execute on VNC as ncolors =64 and thus coffset =0 -------------------------------------------------------- //
>if(ncolors > 16) {
>if(ncolors > 128) {
>coffset = 32;
>} else {
>coffset = 0;
>} else {
>coffset = 0;
>if(coffset > ncolors) {
>coffset = 0;
>n = ncolors - coffset;
>for(i=0; i dcolors[i].pixel = i;
>XQueryColor(dnr, colormap0, &(dcolors[i]));
>dcolors[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
>//----------------------------------------- portion between this dotted lines do not execute on VNC as ncolors =64 and thus coffset =0 -------------------------------------------------------- //
>colormap1 = XCreateColormap(dnr, win, vis, AllocNone); // This line execute on both. Returns 37748737 for VNC but 8388609 Citrix.
>if(colormap1 == colormap) {
>//============================ portion between this dotted lines do not execute on VNC as ncolors < 256 and coffset < 128 ========================== //
>if(ncolors >= 256 && coffset < 128) {
>int r, g, b;
>for(r=0; r < 4; r++) {
>for(g=0; g < 4; g++) {
>for(b=0; b < 4; b++) {
>dcolors[coffset].pixel = coffset;
>dcolors[coffset].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
>dcolors[coffset].red = (short) (r * 21845);
>dcolors[coffset].green = (short) (g * 21845);
>dcolors[coffset].blue = (short) (b * 21845);
>if(coffset >= 256) break;
>if(coffset >= 256) break;
>if(coffset >= 256) break;
>//============================ portion between this dotted lines do not execute on VNC as ncolors < 256 and coffset < 128 ========================== //
>unsigned long plane_masks_return[1];
>unsigned int nplanes= 0;
>unsigned long pixels_return[256];
>unsigned int npixels = coffset;
>int status;
>status = XAllocColorCells(dnr, colormap1, True, plane_masks_return, nplanes, pixels_return, npixels); //this call throw BadValue error.
>if(status == 0) {
>} else {
>XStoreColors(dnr, colormap1, &(dcolors[0]), coffset);
>colormap = colormap1;

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