keyboard layout variant won't stick (resets when new devices plug in, and on startup)

Timo Paulssen timo+xorg at
Mon Nov 28 09:28:16 UTC 2016


On 28/11/16 06:15, Peter Hutterer wrote:
> what DE are you using? any chance it's overwriting your setting?
> Cheers,
>    Peter

Wow, you're absolutely right! I'm using XFCE4 and its keyboard config
has "use system defaults" set to "on" on my desktop, but to "off" on my
laptop. Now I'm pretty sure I put German in slot 2 and German Neo in
slot 1, but right now it has German in two slots, which seems odd. So
maybe at some point it got confused and lost the variant (maybe it would
have lost all variants?) due to some bug?

I'm a bit embarrassed I didn't think to look at that tool. Thank you so
much for the Hint!
  - Timo

PS: I enjoy reading your blog :)

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