2016 Elections to the X.Org Board of Directors and Approval to Changes of the X.Org By Laws

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Tue Feb 23 04:12:55 UTC 2016

The X.Org Foundation is holding elections for

   - The Board of Directors
   - Adoption of changes to the By Laws.

Election Schedule

Nomination period Start:   Feb 24  00:00 UTC
Nomination period End:     Mar 15   23:59 UTC  (3 weeks)
Deadline of X.Org
  membership application
  renewal:                 Mar 17   23:59 UTC
Publication of Candidates
   & start of Candiate QA: Mar 17              (2 weeks)
Election Start:            Mar 30  00:00 UTC
Election End:              Apr 12  23:59 UTC   (2 weeks)

| The memberships of all X.Org Members were expired in Dec 2015!
| To participate in this election you MUST renew or apply for membership
| by the deadline mentioned above!
| Please go to http://members.x.org/ for membership application or renewal.

You will find updated info on the elections at:


Board Election

The terms of the following Board Members will end this year:

    Alex Deucher,
    Matt Dew,
    Egbert Eich,
    Keith Packard

There are 4 seats on the X.Org Board of Directors up for reelection.

The Elections overview page http://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/Elections/
describes the voting methods and process.

The election process starts with a 3 week nomination period.
If you would like to nominate yourself please send email to the election
committee <elections at x.org>, giving your
- name
- current professional affiliation
- a statement of contribution to X.Org or related technologies
- a personal statement

To vote or to be elected to the Board you need to be a Member of the
X.Org Foundation.
To be a Member of the X.Org Foundation you need to apply or renew your
membership until the end of the nomination period.

Changes to the By Laws of the X.Org Foundation

The X.Org Foundation plans to join SPI (Software in Public Interest).
SPI has given it's formal approval and invited the X.Org Foundation
to join.
In order to join the Members of the X.Org Foundation need to approve
this and need to approve a change to the By Laws of the X.Org Foundation.

This vote of the members on joining SPI and on changing the By Laws will
take place alongside the election to the BoD.

There will be a Q&A session on the SPI membership and the new By Laws
starting with the nomination period of the candidates.
(Please also see separate announcement).

| The vote to change the by-laws requires approval of 2/3 of the membership.
| Please do vote in this election.


After the nomination period members have the chance to meet the candidates
and ask questions on the members mailing list members _AT_ x.org.

The Q&A session regarding the By Law changes and the joining SPI starts
immediately also on the members mailing list. A Q&A wiki page will also
be added.

	Peter, on behalf of the X.Org BoD

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