PutImage vs BackgroundPixmap (was Re: Open Shared Memory and Render Pictures)

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at gmx.de
Sun Aug 7 15:43:43 UTC 2016

On Sun, Aug 07, 2016 at 06:45:29PM +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
>things. there is still a race condition here as wm resizes window first, and
>client some time later responds with a redraw.

And sometimes never :-)
But visually, this isn't true. Either the compositor can paint last or
(and that's probably more relevant) you configure the window w/o
actually resizing the frame and only resize the frame when the client
ACKs the change. This is basically what allowed us to remove gaps
between the decoration and (supporting) clients.
The pointer will easily go interim off-position, though.

>actually be rather slow on some drivers
*cough* nvidia *cough*. It's not that bad anymore, though.

For KWin I had played with lazy configurations (covered by texture
scales in the compositor rather than in the client) - prone to cause
some sea-sickness, though ;-)


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