Another building error

Hongze Zhao zhaohongze at
Sat Mar 22 18:56:23 PDT 2014

Hi All,

I encounter another error when building xorg. My ubuntu is 12.04.

==  Processing:  "xkeyboard-config"
==        configuration options:
Cloning into 'xkeyboard-config'...
remote: Counting objects: 12083, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5314/5314), done.
remote: Total 12083 (delta 9392), reused 8697 (delta 6712)
Receiving objects: 100% (12083/12083), 4.81 MiB | 488 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9392/9392), done.
Copying file ABOUT-NLS
Copying file config.rpath
Creating directory m4
Copying file m4/codeset.m4
Copying file m4/fcntl-o.m4
Copying file m4/gettext.m4
Copying file m4/glibc2.m4
Copying file m4/glibc21.m4
Copying file m4/iconv.m4
Copying file m4/intdiv0.m4
Copying file m4/intl.m4
Copying file m4/intldir.m4
Copying file m4/intlmacosx.m4
Copying file m4/intmax.m4
Copying file m4/inttypes-pri.m4
Copying file m4/inttypes_h.m4
Copying file m4/lcmessage.m4
Copying file m4/lib-ld.m4
Copying file m4/lib-link.m4
Copying file m4/lib-prefix.m4
Copying file m4/lock.m4
Copying file m4/longlong.m4
Copying file m4/nls.m4
Copying file m4/po.m4
Copying file m4/printf-posix.m4
Copying file m4/progtest.m4
Copying file m4/size_max.m4
Copying file m4/stdint_h.m4
Copying file m4/threadlib.m4
Copying file m4/uintmax_t.m4
Copying file m4/visibility.m4
Copying file m4/wchar_t.m4
Copying file m4/wint_t.m4
Copying file m4/xsize.m4
Copying file po/
Copying file po/Makevars.template
Copying file po/Rules-quot
Copying file po/boldquot.sed
Copying file po/en at boldquot.header
Copying file po/en at quot.header
Copying file po/insert-header.sin
Copying file po/quot.sed
Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin
autoreconf: Entering directory `.'
autoreconf: running: intltoolize --automake --copy --force
Can't exec "intltoolize": No such file or directory at
/usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te/ line 345.
autoreconf: failed to run intltoolize: No such file or directory
autoreconf: autopoint is needed because this package uses Gettext "" failed on xkeyboard-config error processing:  "xkeyboard-config"

Does anyone know how to solve it?

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