Key rate limit

tsuraan tsuraan at
Sun Mar 25 19:44:33 PDT 2012

After a bit of googling, it looks like I want to use the
XkbSetBounceKeysDelay function.  That seems pretty straightforward
seems pretty complete, anyhow), but I can't find any header file on my
system that actually declares the XkbSetBoundKeysDelay function.  Does
anybody know where this function would usually be declared, or even
better, know of an X utility that would allow me to play with that
function without writing my own tiny utility?

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 9:23 PM, tsuraan <tsuraan at> wrote:
> I have a keyboard with a slightly broken "j" key; sometimes, a single
> press will result in a bunch of "j" characters all being sent at
> nearly the same time.  Is there something I can do with my X
> configuration so that all events for the same key appearing in the
> same quarter second will be condensed into a single event?  I don't
> think I'm capable of deliberately hitting the same key that quickly,
> and I think it would effectively solve the problem that I'm having, if
> X has some mechanism for doing that.

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