X server crashes, when starting application

walter harms wharms at bfs.de
Sat Jul 28 04:17:19 PDT 2012

Am 27.07.2012 21:46, schrieb Bernard Day:
> We are having a problem using Xorg as an X host for an application we test.
>    I am pretty sure that this is a problem with X and not an nvidia issue as
> we have tried many drivers and a few Xorgs.   With a given X the backtrace
> always starts at the same location regardless of the driver version loaded.
>   If we back level X then our application can start and run.    On current
> versions of X, X crashes; here I have used Xephyr because it is easier to
> gather data, but the X results are the same I think.   Also we have tried
> this on both RedHat and Linux Mint.
> We could run a back leveled X for a while but I hope we can get a fix in a
> future release.   Or better find that we can do something to make this work
> now.
> I have spent some time looking at other peoples attempts to figure out there
> own problems but have not found any information that is enlightening.
> Here is the back trace, I am sure this is not enough information but I guess
> it is a starting point.   Please tell me what other information you need.
> This application runs in 8 bit color and calls fonts from a font server
> running on another box.   All the setup, connecting font server and all goes
> fine, but when the application starts X goes.

Do other applications like xterm have the same problem ?

if no -> Do you have a windowmanager ? does changing the wm do anything ?


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