Every newcomers to X think that servers and clients are reversed because they are

Paul Dufresne dufresnep at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 05:17:11 PDT 2011

The design decision that was made was to make the applications the
clients, and the program that sits next to keyboard and monitor the
server. And I admit that now this is a real server.
But I pretend it was a bad choice.

The question is what are the ressources you want to share?
Now the ressources shared seems to be the keyboard, mouse and monitor.

What I think the users want to use or share is the X applications.

That's why I think that X would be more usefull if the order was reversed.
Because then, the X server would sit there, waiting for client (that
would be humans rather than programs), to connect and the ressources
shared would be X applications.

Why would someone want to share his monitor, keyboard an mouse on the net?
That does not seems useful.

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