"request MappingKeyboard" not generated for FN+KP_ENTER

Stefano Facchini stefano.facchini at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 14:10:26 PDT 2010

I'm trying to configure the key FN+KP_ENTER (hotkey ATKD 0000005b) to
start a calculator. Since this key wasn't recognized, I added an ACPI
event and used acpi_fakekey as follow:

  event=hotkey ATKD 000000b5

  . /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants
  acpi_fakekey $KEYCALC

After this, I can get an XF86Calculator event hitting FN+KP_ENTER, but
only after pressing another (any) key. With xev I discovered that all
the FN+something keys generate a "request MappingKeyboard" event before
generating the "keypressed" event. Are these behaviours related? How can
I fix this?

Thank you

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