Synaptics touchpad right click doen't click properly
Louis Ixo
lixo1 at
Wed Oct 20 13:03:39 PDT 2010
Dear all,
I just finished the installation of Gentoo on my HP envy 17 with synaptics touchpad.
I installed the xorg-server and xf86-input-synaptics but the right-click button corresponds to left click. (well setting clickfinger1=3, right & left buttons correspond to right click).
In attachment you have the ouput of synclient and hal. My Xorg version is 1.7.7, 2010-05-04, X protocol 11. I tried Ubuntu 10.10 and the both buttons work correctly.
Thank you very much for any kind of help!
synclient -l
Parameter settings:
LeftEdge = 1000
RightEdge = 5192
TopEdge = 1620
BottomEdge = 4236
FingerLow = 24
FingerHigh = 29
FingerPress = 255
MaxTapTime = 180
MaxTapMove = 221
MaxDoubleTapTime = 180
SingleTapTimeout = 180
ClickTime = 100
FastTaps = 0
EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
EmulateTwoFingerMinZ = 280
EmulateTwoFingerMinW = 7
VertScrollDelta = 400
HorizScrollDelta = 400
VertEdgeScroll = 1
HorizEdgeScroll = 1
CornerCoasting = 0
VertTwoFingerScroll = 0
HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0
MinSpeed = 0.4
MaxSpeed = 0.7
AccelFactor = 0.00995223
TrackstickSpeed = 40
EdgeMotionMinZ = 29
EdgeMotionMaxZ = 159
EdgeMotionMinSpeed = 1
EdgeMotionMaxSpeed = 401
EdgeMotionUseAlways = 0
UpDownScrolling = 1
LeftRightScrolling = 1
UpDownScrollRepeat = 1
LeftRightScrollRepeat = 1
ScrollButtonRepeat = 100
TouchpadOff = 0
GuestMouseOff = 0
LockedDrags = 0
LockedDragTimeout = 5000
RTCornerButton = 0
RBCornerButton = 3
LTCornerButton = 0
LBCornerButton = 0
TapButton1 = 1
TapButton2 = 0
TapButton3 = 0
ClickFinger1 = 0
ClickFinger2 = 0
ClickFinger3 = 0
CircularScrolling = 0
CircScrollDelta = 0.1
CircScrollTrigger = 0
CircularPad = 0
PalmDetect = 0
PalmMinWidth = 10
PalmMinZ = 199
CoastingSpeed = 0
PressureMotionMinZ = 29
PressureMotionMaxZ = 159
PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
GrabEventDevice = 1
TapAndDragGesture = 1
AreaLeftEdge = 0
AreaRightEdge = 0
AreaTopEdge = 0
AreaBottomEdge = 0
Hal configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
<!-- Synaptic touchpad -->
<match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.touchpad">
<match key="info.product" contains="Synaptics TouchPad">
<merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">synaptics</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">On</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.VertEdgeScroll" type="string">1</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.HorizEdgeScroll" type="string">1</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.VertScrollDelta" type="string">400</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.HorizScrollDelta" type="string">400</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.UpDownScrolling" type="string">1</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.LeftRightScrolling" type="string">1</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton1" type="string">1</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.ClickFinger1" type="string">3</merge>
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