X11 / broken input focus, need so. to reproduce

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Thu Oct 14 12:32:07 PDT 2010

The mail was originally sent to the kwin mailing list, but since i got no 
reply i'll try here ;-)

I just want some confirmation that this is not a local problem.
If you can spare the time and have KDE installed, please compile the testcase, 
run it and try to activate the window by clicking it (you local focus policy 
is irrelevant! - the only WM that seems to "work" here is IceWM...)

Then pleast reply on success and your XOrg/Qt/KDE version (though KDE should 
actually not matter)

Thanks alot,

gcc -o focustest focustest.cpp -I /usr/include \
-I/usr/include/QtGui -lQtCore -lkdeui

------- Original mail with some details -------------------

This is maybe not really a kwin issue, but might be of interest.

Since "some" recent update (of Xorg, Qt?) i'm no longer able to set the input 
focus to windows after

XWMHints *hints = XGetWMHints ( QX11Info::display(), window()->winId() );
hints->input = false;
XSetWMHints ( QX11Info::display(), window()->winId(), hints );

... and i mean: "not at all".
Neither using QWidget::activateWindow() (used to work) nor 
KWindowSystem::activateWindow() nor even KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow()
I also cannot even override the input focus from the rules anymore. And the 
focus policy (tried none) has no impact either.

I first thought this might be a recent bug in kwin, but it actually works with 
neither compiz nor metacity nor openbox.

It /does/ however work with [drumroll] IceWM... =\

Is anyone aware of recent changes in XWMHints or the clientmessage system?
Is it a general issue at all or only a localdistro one? (ie: can you reproduce 
this, testcase attached)
And why could IceWM keep working? (it does not ignore the hint, the inactive 
part of the client does not cause an activation)

Testcase attached, Workspace::allowClientActivation() figures "Activation: 
Belongs to active application", what /should/ result in a permittance ...

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