problem with xset

Mike Oliver mike.oliver at
Mon May 17 21:36:50 PDT 2010

On 5/17/2010 9:15 PM, JD wrote:
> xset r rate 2 255
> belches out the error that Xlib does not have XFree86-Misc
> for display 0:0
> and my autorepeat gets set to 0 delay and probably maximum
> repeat rate, so that I am not even able to type any command.
> For example, doing an ls becomes:
> $ lllllllllllllllllllllllllssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

That sounds like it's working then.  So instead of asking for a 2ms
pause before the autorepeat begins and 255 repeats per second
(which is what you're doing now), play with the numbers to get
closer to the behaviour you really want.

You said you wanted a slow repeat, right?  Try 'xset r rate 1000 4',
which should wait one second (1000ms) before beginning to repeat and
should then repeat at a rate of 4 events per second.

mike.oliver at

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