Horizontal mouse sensitivity in Xorg?

Jacek Wielemborek wielemborekj1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 15:20:20 PDT 2010


I recently decided to try and build an app allowing me to easily
convert my netbook into an e-book reader at any time. The problem is,
when I try to rotate the screen on the right, making the resolution
600x1024, the touchpad behaves in quite a weird manner. It took me a
while to understand it's just vertical mouse speed being about
three-four times faster than the horizontal. When I try to move the
mouse from the rotated left to right (the shorter edge), it moves
insanely fast, while the horizontal speed is quite reasonable. Is
there a way to tune it somehow? A C application sample would be
lovely, if it's not a matter of configuration/scripting.

And yes, I've spend time browsing the FAQ, asked on IRC, flicked
through the mailing lists archives.

Thanks in advance,

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