How to configure touchscreen pressure sensitivity with evdev driver?

Javi javi.garcia at
Wed Jul 28 02:57:48 PDT 2010


I've upgraded some machines with touchscreens to latest Xorg. The ones
with USB EloGraphics touchscreens work like a charm with evdev driver
and no extra configuration. The problem is with the ones with
GeneralTouch USB touchscreens.

I managed to properly calibrate them, but now you need to exert hight
pressure for the driver to detect click/drag events. I mean, you have
to press so hard it becomes unusable. With the old Xorg I used the
evtouch driver and touchscreens worked softly, but not anymore with
evdev. I've tried to compile evtouch for latest Xorg but it fails with
several errors.

So the question is...

Is there any way to configure pressure sensitivity with evdev driver?


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