X11 XTEST Error when starting Xine

Jim Duda jim at duda.tzo.com
Sun Jan 3 14:04:15 PST 2010

On 01/02/2010 09:45 AM, Benjamin Close wrote:

> I'd suggest you try reinstalling libXi and libX11
> The XTest code has had changes to it caused by the update to the XInput
> layer (libXi) which also may affect libX11.
> Cheers,
>       Benjamin

Thanks for the post.  I tried reinstalling all the libX libraries which 
were installed, using rpm -e --nodeps, then yum install each of the 

I have diffed the libraries between a working machine and all have
a binary match.  There must be some meta-data file outside the libraries
which return the results for XKeysymToKeycode ?



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