xrandr dual-screen usability survery (Was: Dual-head config broke with update to 1.4.2)

Florian Mickler florian at mickler.org
Wed Feb 17 10:08:35 PST 2010

On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 11:38:18 -0500
Martin Cracauer <cracauer at cons.org> wrote:

> Samuel Thibault wrote on Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 05:29:12PM +0100: 
> > Martin Cracauer, le Wed 17 Feb 2010 11:17:52 -0500, a ?crit :
> > > Apart from that, in the movie situation wouldn't clients that open
> > > dialog boxes in the middle of what they think is the screen obscure
> > > parts of the movie at random times?
> > 
> > If they properly use the xinerama information that provides the sizes of
> > the various screens, they wouldn't.
> But in practice, in just 10 minutes of testing, I have seen both
> GNOME-panel and GIMP do it, in the same distribution that has the
> offending Xorg driver.
> I don't see a strong argument here that makes me drop my original
> objections to Xinerama.
> Martin

I think you should take this to a debian list... I'm on Gentoo and have
no problems with apps popping up between my two screens. (using
fluxbox, gnome or kde)
i thought the ratpoison wm would work like you want? maybe that is
something you gonna like.

On the premise, that it is too hard to maintain both modes (zaphod and
xrandr) i'm all for the xrandr scheme because it is the more powerful of the two
schemes. You can't put windows half on one and half on the other screen
with zaphod. while you can emulate zaphod with xinerama hints on xrandr.


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