Compose key behaviour change

Daniel Drake dan at
Thu Nov 5 11:42:47 PST 2009


At some point over the last year, the behaviour of the compose key on my 
Gentoo-based X setup changed.

Previously I could do this:
Press compose key
Press shift
Press # (UK keyboard: shift + # = ~)
Release #
Release shift
Release compose
Press n

That would give me the character ñ

Something changed (not sure what or when) and now the above sequence no 
longer works. It has to be adjusted so that the compose key is released 
before pressing any further characters in the sequence:

Press compose key
Release compose key
Press shift
Press #
Release #
Release shift
Press n
Release n

I find that this makes typing considerably harder and I often have to 
retry 3 or 4 times until I get what I wanted.

My Fedora 11 system still has the old behaviour where I can start the 
keypresses before releasing the compose key, but I wouldn't be surprised 
if this would change in an F12 update.

I'm using the evdev on both setups.

Any hints?


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