Strange mouse behaviour after switching to evdev.

Łukasz Maśko ed at
Mon Jun 22 10:25:44 PDT 2009

Dnia poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 2009, Peter Hutterer napisał:
> run this against the mouse's device file (/dev/input/eventX, check in
> /proc/bus/input/devices for the number) and leave it running.
> right after the mouse jumps, check the last events in the log it spits
> out. Is there anything weird? if it's caused by the kernel/hardware then
> you should see the jump as a large movement. if not, then it's somewhere
> in the driver or (more likely) the server.

Here is the last part before the pointer jumped:

Event: time 1245690853.452867, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245690853.476198, type 2 (Relative), code 0 (X), value 9
Event: time 1245690853.476214, type 2 (Relative), code 1 (Y), value -2
Event: time 1245690853.476217, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245690853.477684, type 2 (Relative), code 0 (X), value 3
Event: time 1245690853.477690, type 2 (Relative), code 1 (Y), value -1
Event: time 1245690853.477693, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245690853.482855, type 2 (Relative), code 0 (X), value 3
Event: time 1245690853.482867, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245690853.507963, type 2 (Relative), code 0 (X), value 3
Event: time 1245690853.507975, type 2 (Relative), code 1 (Y), value -2
Event: time 1245690853.507978, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245690853.507982, type 2 (Relative), code 0 (X), value 1
Event: time 1245690853.507985, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245690853.512476, type 2 (Relative), code 1 (Y), value -1
Event: time 1245690853.512483, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1245691046.035363, type 3 (Absolute), code 40 (Misc), value 91
Event: time 1245691046.035382, -------------- Report Sync ------------

All other events are type 2 (Relative), just all others, when I move a 
mouse. The last one is type 3 (Absolute).
Łukasz Maśko                                           GG:   2441498    _o)
Lukasz.Masko(at)                                           /\\
Registered Linux User #61028                                           _\_V
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