xorg server should wait HAL if it's not avail during init

Rémi Cardona remi at gentoo.org
Tue Jan 20 08:54:20 PST 2009

Tino Keitel a écrit :
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:18:10 +0100, Matija Šuklje wrote:
>> Dne torek 20. januarja 2009 je Yan Li napisal(a):
>>> I suggest we add a short (5 seconds) busy-wait if hald is not usable.
>> Isn't that more of a (distro's) init system problem?
> The problem is that most of those service dependency stuff ignores the
> fact that daemons may need some time to really become available for
> service.  They just start a service and don't have a way to check if
> the service is really available.

hald already has a pipe set up between the launcher process and the 
daemon process. The launcher process exits when it receives a "message" 
on the pipe from the daemon. Maybe that message could be delayed until 
HAL is _really_ up and running.

This way, a proper init system will make X start up wait on hald being 
fully up.

NB, I have only checked this file : 
http://cgit.freedesktop.org/hal/tree/hald/hald.c, I have no idea what 
goes on after the fork.


Rémi Cardona
remi.cardona at lri.fr
remi at gentoo.org

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