xorg server should wait HAL if it's not avail during init

Yan Li elliot.li.tech at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 18:35:52 PST 2009

Dear All,

I've met a problem about xorg server initialization on some
systems: if xorg server is started before hald finished it's
initialization, xorg server's init would fail.

When hald is started in daemon mode, it forks into background and
returns immediately. In the background it needs some time for
initialization before it's usable.  If the X is started right after
hald like this (in init script):

  hald --daemon=yes
  startx   # hald can't finish init in such a short time

X would fail:
  (EE) config/hal: couldn't initialise context: (null) ((null))

since hald haven't finished it's internal init and is not accessable

I suggest we add a short (5 seconds) busy-wait if hald is not usable.

Li, Yan

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