xserver: Branch 'master'

Paulo César Pereira de Andrade pcpa at mandriva.com.br
Thu Jan 1 08:26:33 PST 2009

Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade wrote:
>>  hw/xfree86/loader/Makefile.am |    6 ++++--
>>  hw/xfree86/loader/sdksyms.sh  |   13 +++++++++++++
>>  2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>> New commits:
>> commit 86dc660588a615baefb1799d78a501c95a931d77
>> Author: Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade <pcpa at mandriva.com.br>
>> Date:   Tue Dec 23 18:07:54 2008 -0200
>>     Improve sdksyms.c automatic generation (Fix #19245).
>>       Since it is already parsing cpp output, create a dependency file
>>     in the same process. This will cause sdksyms.c to be regenerated
>>     whenever a sdk header is modified.
>>       This also uses the gmake 'sinclude' directive (don't fail if
>>     included file doesn't exist). This should not cause any problems
>>     given that gmake only constructs are used in several other
>> Makefiles.
> Sorry no, so far I was able to use bmake (BSD make) for all X.Org
> modules. What other Makefiles are using GNU make constructs?

  Thanks for the information. I was afraid it could not work
correctly with Solaris or BSD make, given the large amount of
problems to write a small awk script that works everywhere...
But the feature, as noted in "info make" is from SGI make (and
perhaps others), and the other alternative is from SunOS 4.


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