xclock's problem

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at galaxy.dti.ne.jp
Fri Feb 27 05:36:21 PST 2009


In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: xclock's problem
  Message-ID : <18855.23177.348554.585304 at cerise.gclements.plus.com>
  Date & Time: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 03:14:17 +0000

[Glynn] == Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com> has written:

Me>> I'm using xlock with the settings in .xinitrc;
Me>> xclock -digital -update 1 -fg gray100 -bg gray25 -fn "-*-*-bold-r-normal--16-*" -geometry 270x33+1642+0 -strftime "%Y年%m月%d日(%a)   %H時%M分%S秒" &

Glynn> I don't know if it's related to your problem, but you should probably
Glynn> be using e.g.:

Glynn> 	-xrm "*fontSet: -*-*-bold-r-normal--16-*"

Glynn> instead of -fn.

Glynn> Also, try using the -norender option.


With -xrm and -norender, I can use my favotite font.

But, how do you know -xrm option?
It is not in man, nor massage by executing "xclock -h".

Anyway, a problem of time display is a bug, isn't it?


  Masaru Nomiya       mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp

          "Bill! You married with Computers.
           Not with Me!"
          "No..., with money."

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