xorg/driver/xf86-input-evdev: [PATCH] Correct make distchek using the same solution used in other packages.

Paulo César Pereira de Andrade pcpa at mandriva.com.br
Wed Feb 4 11:48:01 PST 2009

  These cases should really be addressed in a different
way, as the addition of a option that is only useful to
pass distcheck is wrong.

  Another "cosmetic" thing that should be addressed is
usage of something like:

  First the automake macro says:

Checking for XORG... yes

while it should say something more like:

Checking for xorg-server...
Checking for xproto...

or maybe in the same line, but not really a xorg issue,
but a pkg-config issue?

The AC_SUBST issue is because there is a lot of mixed usage
in Makefiles of @XORG_CFLAGS@ and $(XORG_CFLAGS)

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