X security query

Thomi Richards thomir at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 02:01:48 PDT 2009


2009/8/19 Alan Coopersmith <Alan.Coopersmith at sun.com>:
> The auth directory should be constant on a given distro, but the file name
> is a random string that changes every time the X server process is
> restarted.
> You can setenv XAUTHORITY to the file name to look for cookies in - if
> your daemon is running as root, it could even be set to the /var/run/...
> file itself.

Thank you, you've been very helpful. This is the approach I've taken,
and so far it seems to work flawlessly. Of course, I have not yet
tested this on different distros, so I may yet need to do a bit of
tweaking, but thanks all the same for your help.


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