How to change logical order of outputs?

Marius Gedminas marius at
Tue Aug 18 07:15:56 PDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:25:48AM +0200, Łukasz Maśko wrote:
> My laptop has 2 video outputs: internal display (LVDS) and external VGA 
> (VGA) monitor (in fact it has also a TV output, which I don't use). It has 
> an Intel 855GM graphics chipset. In general, everything works fine, I can 
> manage both outputs using xrandr. But there is one thing, concerning XV 
> extension. If I enable both outputs to work in a mirrored mode 
> (xrandr --output VGA --same-as LVDS), if I display a movie using XV, the 
> picture is rendered only on external VGA monitor. I know, that it's OK, 
> movie is rendered only on the "first" display. And that's OK. Besides, it 
> seems to be reasonable, that VGA output is then default output, when you 
> use it for presentations.
> But what to do if I want to change the order of displays? I've tried to 
> use --primary oprion of xrandr for LVDS, but it didn't work - movies are 
> still displayed on VGA monitor, maybe I used it in a wrong way.


  xvattr -a XV_SWITCHCRT -v 0


  xvattr -a XV_SWITCHCRT -v 1

to select the display for the Xv picture.

Marius Gedminas
There's a special hell 4 people who replace words with numbers.
        -- Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw
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