[ANNOUNCE] xrandr 1.3.1 Release

Matthias Hopf mhopf at suse.de
Tue Aug 11 07:53:52 PDT 2009

The last couple of fixes hanged long enough to be declared good, and at
least the server grab fix is important enough to justify a release.

Federico Mena Quintero (1):
      bfo#22864 - grab the server around all modifications to CRTCs

Matthias Hopf (3):
      Report program version as well with --version.
      Fix missing prototype warning.
      Bump to 1.3.1

Éric Piel (1):
      xrandr: Document --nograb option

GIT tag: xrandr-1.3.1

MD5:  b1a77afa37d845bccc6726e2891fc7f2  xrandr-1.3.1.tar.bz2
SHA1: ba30219c6158eaf077bebd80107568867ef9d926  xrandr-1.3.1.tar.bz2

MD5:  f8825747b3f9729d0e645b52d31979ed  xrandr-1.3.1.tar.gz
SHA1: 4c5ab4ef0e2dc2e260d40d6d8fa222198ccc81a7  xrandr-1.3.1.tar.gz


Matthias Hopf <mhopf at suse.de>      __        __   __
Maxfeldstr. 5 / 90409 Nuernberg   (_   | |  (_   |__          mat at mshopf.de
Phone +49-911-74053-715           __)  |_|  __)  |__  R & D   www.mshopf.de
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