
Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Wed Apr 8 14:41:22 PDT 2009

On Wednesday 08 April 2009, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> You want a bug report?  Let us file the bug without half an hour filling
>> out forms and such to register for yet another service that may generate
>> even more spam. Screw it.
>Registering for a bugzilla account doesn't take any longer than subscribing
>to this mailing list to be able to post a message complaining about
> bugzilla. All you need for either one is an e-mail address and to pick a
> password and deal with the confirmation e-mail.
>It would be nice if bugzilla supported OpenID to reduce that even further,
>but I'm sure bugzilla upstream will be happy to discuss such patches with
>anyone who wants to write them, and always needs more admins
>to keep up with the load of site work to do.

I have a bugzilla account, and everytime I need to use it, I have to have them 
send me my password because I don't use it often enough.  But the send me my 
password never sends you your password, it always sends you a message to allow 
you to change it, another batch of folderol to have to negotiate involving at 
least 2 or 3 more emails that have to be confirmed.  I have NDI why they just 
can't send the pw to my recorded email addy and leave it otherwise alone.  
Either way, by the time I regain access too bz, the instance of the bug itself 
and its details are getting ever more hazy, scrolled off the end of a shells 
history & lost. TBT, unless its a show stopper, by the time I wade through all 
that, my give a damn is worn out and you don't get the feedback.  It really is 
that simple.  To those of us, who as plain old users, would like to report a 
problem, you make it difficult indeed.

Then to top it off, when we bring news of a problem and its one of those take 
it on down the hall problems, we are told to file a bz & don't bother the 
list.  Bugs reported here, should have some sort of a mechanism to 
automatically get added to bz.  People do write email filters don't they?

Oh, and one message I've received loud and clear from this list.  And that is 
if ones video card costs less than $150, it will NEVER be supported to the 
capabilities of the card regardless of how many code drops ATI makes and so we 
are forever stuck with a radeonhd driver that is only semi-stable (crashed 
this morning early again), and no faster, if as fast as the nv driver on an 
old nvidia card.  Promises of a fully working driver for the ATI HD2400-Pro 
card family have been repeatedly promised as maybe a month away yet, for over 
half of a year now.  But I'm still watching my screen scroll 2 lines at a 
time, with a redraw time per 2 lines scrolled of nearly a second.  And every 
new driver that leaks into the kernel is 100 fps slower at glxgears than the 
previous one.  I started early last fall doing 850 fps, now with 
kernel- its about 275 fps.  ATI probably sold 100 cards with the r610 
chipset for every one of the $300+ bridgeable ones, but its a cheap card, 
about a 50 dollar bill so we take a cold potato and wait.

I tried to build the git checkout, but gave up when no one here could tell me 
what to add to get rid of a dependency list about 10k long when trying to get 
it to make on an F10 system.  At that time, 6 weeks or so back, I gave up cuz 
all I was doing was obviously annoying the list.

So until something pulls my trigger again, I will go and quietly read the list 
for a while.  But I haven't seen my chipset mentioned in weeks, so I may be 
wasting my time.  I hope not.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
What a strange game.  The only winning move is not to play.
		-- WOP, "War Games"

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