[PATCH] Make -nocursor a runtime option to and remove the compile time NULL_ROOT_CURSOR

Barry Scott barry.scott at onelan.co.uk
Tue Sep 30 09:28:52 PDT 2008

Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:08:04PM +0200, Olivier Guerrier wrote:
>     * People running consumer/embedded systems who can't trust their
>       apps not to try to change the cursors want to silently drop all
>       cursor rendering.  -> patch required if deemed useful
We build digital signage players that play movies, html pages, images 
and text.
These players have no mouse or keyboard and the cursor is a visual wart.
> Can you not just ship a null cursor theme or something if your apps
> insist on setting a cursor?
In our product we embed apps that it is far to painful to modify to turn 
off the cursor.
For example mozilla (mozembed). The -nocursor patch avoids the need to 
any app code at all to remove the unwanted cursors.

We are willing to work up a patch if you are willing to accept it.


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