pixman with and without SSE2 benchmarks?

Eeri Kask Eeri.Kask at inf.tu-dresden.de
Wed Sep 24 02:55:21 PDT 2008

Matthieu Herrb:
> Does someone have some benchmarks or numbers from real life X usage 
> showing the benefits of using the SSE2 code in pixman 0.12.0 over non 
> SSE2 on x86 and/or x86_64 cpus?
> I'm asking because OpenBSD is stuck with an old gcc version which can't 
> compile the SSE2 code, and I wonder if it's worth hacking something to 
> be able ship a version compiled by gcc 4.2 or later with SSE2 support 
> with OpenBSD binary distributions.

I cannot answer your posed question but... it certainly isn't an 1.x 
version of gcc or something?  :-)

Do you have a problem with inline assembler SSE2?  Can you compile 
SSE2-intrinsics code?  To figure out, try this small snippet attached. 
If it goes well then rewrite pixman using SSE2-intrinsics makes sense a 
lot (if it already isn't), it turns code from "non maintainable" to 


     Eeri Kask
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