Senior project ideas

walter harms wharms at
Tue Sep 2 05:12:27 PDT 2008

Dan Nicholson schrieb:
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 7:10 PM, William Tracy <afishionado at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My name is William Tracy. I am a software engineering major at Cal
>> Poly State University. Right now, I am tossing around ideas for my
>> senior project.
>> I would really like to produce something that is actually helpful,
>> rather than producing yet another [raytracer|compiler|network stack]
>> that is only interesting in an academic context. I have always been
>> interested in Linux/Unix on the desktop, and think that Xorg is a
>> beautiful piece of software. After hearing how perennially
>> understaffed Xorg is, I had to pop in and see if I could build a
>> senior project around that.
>> I don't want to barge in and dump a bunch of unwanted patches on you,
>> so I'm here asking: Where could I actually be helpful?
> I'm not one of the developers, but there is various information
> kicking around the wikis that might spur project ideas.

there are a lot of (helper-)programms around that are not capable to handle
the new abilities of the newer xserver.
(E.g. use two mice, and try to fix the speed using xset ... )
Keyboard handling etc.
This is very annoying for the user as he is most likely to find information
about that programms on the web.
the project could be to compare (and fix) the old environment with the new.

IMHO there is also a lack of good tutorial how to use the X11 features. (by not using
GTK to access the latest features.)


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