donation 2x radeonhd ati pci-e HD3450 LP for europian xorg developer

Tiago Vignatti vignatti at
Thu Oct 23 11:47:26 PDT 2008

Jelle de Jong escreveu:
> Jelle de Jong wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I recently bought two cub 3d hd3450 ati radeonhd 16x pci-e devices for
>> an multigpu muliseat setup. However currently the radeonhd does not
>> support this. It does not want to setup the second card I tried both the
>> randr 1.2 as the official xorg configuration styles. I posted logs on
>> the radeonhd mailinglist, but multigpu support does not seem to be an
>> development priority. So I was forced to buy nvidea cards and install
>> nvidia kernel crap to get my systems working like I needed.
>> Now I got two spare devices, that I can either return to the shop or
>> donate to an European developer. The only thing I would like in return
>> is to get personal emails about the status of the multigpu/multicpu
>> support and that it will be working in 6 months. If that is unreasonable
>> we can workout something else. I do need to know what to do in a short
>> time because of guarantee issues on the devices.
> Somebody made the suggestion to add some more information, I indeed
> forgot to post the links to my some other messages on the mailinglist:
> I also tried a lot of other configuration, both official and randr 1.2
> style configurations, not all are included in the logs or archives.

yeah, the logs is telling our lack of posting secondaries.


Tiago Vignatti
C3SL - Centro de Computação Científica e Software Livre

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