MPX and multitouch

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at
Wed May 14 12:34:23 PDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 00:00 +0900, Jordi Polo wrote:
> I have been thinking about an architecture for gestures etc. And it is
> difficult to make it out of the toolkits. 
> Basically, the toolkits already have an event loop where they take
> events from X. 
> It is easy to implement mouse gestures for simple and multi pointers
> there. 
> multitouch gestures, they much more difficult but I don't see good
> reasons to move them outside that even loop.

What if you have apps using various toolkits running?
Isn't that event loop a per application thing, anyway?

I think it would be ideal to have a service that processes input events
outside of X. For uniform event handling on console and X. To have full
control of input focus.

But for transition and platforms where you can't do that, it should be
possible to run each supporting app in a standalone mode (per app
gestures instead of system-wide).

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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