Xephyr -geometry patch

Tiago Vignatti vignatti at c3sl.ufpr.br
Mon Mar 10 09:59:00 PDT 2008

Alan Coopersmith escreveu:
> You wouldn't even have to fork far - just make a new multiseat
> directory next to ephyr & the other backends in the kdrive
> directory - X.Org hasn't said that we won't allow it in our tree.

To be fair with you, I'd prefer to address some multiseat configuration 
in the right way, i.e., starting severals instances of Xorg. We're quite 
close (I hope). airlied summarized very well what still to be done here:


Thank you,

Tiago Vignatti
C3SL - Centro de Computação Científica e Software Livre

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