'nother testing question

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Tue Jul 29 18:49:04 PDT 2008

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 09:40:24PM -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Another item, I have some small testing-related things I was thinking about
> adding.  It's stuff that would in no way affect any existing build.  I wanted to
> know the rules you'd have me follow, to get stuff like that committed.  I have
> no experience with a decentalized-action source code archive like git before, so
> I can't even begin to guess what your rules are.  I will not break your archive
> (I'll experiment locally before I try to do any pushing to your archives).  I
> could detail it, or post the proposed changes somewhere, or commit them to my
> archive and let you look (anyone who would give me an ssh line could have a
> login to my box from me).  Just give me your rules, ok?

Write the code, post it to the list with a description of what it does.
Depending on they changes, it may get pushed directly, or we may ask you to
open a bug report so all patches consolidate in one point.
The closer the patches are in git-format-patch format, the better.

If you have a really large project, setting up a public git directory is the
way to go, which eventually may make it onto a branch - this is for really
large and potentially intrusive things (e.g. mpx was developed like that).

There are no hard rules, it depends on what area you're dealing with and who
feels responsible for that area.


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