Buffer related input event bug? -- 1.4.1~git20080131

Rohan Lean mercury2k at spamfreemail.de
Thu Jul 24 05:38:15 PDT 2008


I already asked this question in #xorg on freenode, but it did not seem
to generate any answers there. I am sorry if this reposting causes any

Was there any change done between and 1.4.1~git20080131 that
would induce some seemingly buffer related bug in the forwarding of
input events to clients?
Ever since I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04, when I move the mouse fast in
games, all input is being delayed and processed in large chunks until
the situation stabilizes again after I have not moved the mouse at all
for a while.
My rough estimate for the speed at which this happens is 30cm/s at
1800CPI, or 21260C/s.
The effect is exacerbated when I remove the CorePointer option from the
mouse. Then it already happens at very low speeds.
The bug does not occur on the Desktop itself.

I am fairly certain that it is related to xorg, as downgrading SDL to
the version that was used before the distribution upgrade did not change

Thank you for your attention,
Rohan Lean

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