cursor handling and updates inside DRM

Jesse Barnes jbarnes at
Thu Jul 10 20:17:09 PDT 2008

On Thursday, July 10, 2008 3:59 pm Tiago Vignatti wrote:
> Simon Thum escreveu:
> > But all this in the kernel is an impedance mismatch to me. What could it
> > buy us we don't have today?
> Improve heavy-load behavior -- no jumping pointer.
> (BTW, your mouse acceleration proposal [0] doesn't do it at all.)
> Cheers,
> [0]
>      This doc says that it improves the heavy-load behavior, but I'm
> failing to see it. Can you be more specific?

Right, and it's actually fairly common in other OSes.  It sounds like the 
biggest chunk of additional code will be dealing with acceleration; I'm not 
sure how complex the latest algorithms are...  Also input transformation is 
an unknown, but it's a bit dubious anyway...


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