the OLPC XO grab button (triggering mouse scrolling using a keypress)

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at
Wed Jul 9 16:53:25 PDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 05:12:51PM -0400, Erik Garrison wrote:
> This is the path which I have followed.
> I am using the following calls to grab and ungrab the pointer:
>   XGrabPointer( display,
>                 window,
>                 False,
>                 0,
>                 GrabModeAsync,
>                 GrabModeAsync,
>                 None,
>                 None,
>                 CurrentTime );
>   XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime);
> These calls issue a fake button 4 event:
>   XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button_num, True, CurrentTime);
>   XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button_num, False, CurrentTime);
>   XFlush(display);
> I spent a long time attempting to send the fake button events *while* I
> am grabbing the pointer.  I have not found a configuration of
> XGrabPointer which allows this to occur.  Is such a scheme even
> possible?  Currently I have to ungrab the pointer, issue the fake button
> press/release, and then re-grab.

if you have an async grab, you are guaranteed to be the only client that
receives the event, no matter where it occurs.
You need to issue a SyncGrab and then call XAllowEvents with ReplayPointer to
replay the event on the next window. Only this way can you get events to other
clients than the currently grabbing one.


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