xorg build error: needs uuid

Alan Coopersmith Alan.Coopersmith at Sun.COM
Mon Jul 7 10:25:47 PDT 2008

Dan Williams wrote:
> Current expected behavior is:
> 1) if --with-libuuid specified, fail at configure time if libuuid not
> found
> 2) if no --with-libuuid is specified, keep pre-patch behavior and don't
> use libuuid

That's the preferred behavior, but not the current behavior - right now
it just errors out of configure unless you specify --without-libuuid.

The current configure.ac has:

AC_ARG_WITH(libuuid, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libuuid], [Build with libuuid
support for client IDs]))
AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_LIBUUID, test x"$with_libuuid" != xno)

if test x"$with_libuuid" != xno; then

Since there is no action specified for what to do when --with-libuuid is not
given, with_libuuid is not set, so the != xno cases are taken, and then
PKG_CHECK_MODULES errors because the uuid package is not found.

To have the behaviour you specified, the first line needs to change to:

AC_ARG_WITH(libuuid, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libuuid], [Build with libuuid
support for client IDs (default: no)]), [], with_libuuid=no)

	-Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at sun.com
	 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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