xorg/driver/xf86-video-vga - [PATCH] Add libpciaccess support to generic vga driver.

pcpa at mandriva.com.br pcpa at mandriva.com.br
Thu Jan 31 16:40:28 PST 2008

Quoting pcpa at mandriva.com.br:

  I am a bit unsure if the proper implementation of
generic.c:GenericPciProbe() would be more like:

vgaHWPtr vgahw = VGAHWPTR(pScrn);
vgahw->dev = dev;

instead of the patch I posted where I added the field
struct pci_device *pciInfo;
to GenericRec, and used code like:

GenericPtr pGeneric = GenericGetRec(pScrn);
pGeneric->pciInfo    = dev;

but generic.c doesn't use the pci_device information, while
intializes the field in function vgaHWGetHWRec() in code like:
hwp->dev = xf86GetPciInfoForEntity(scrp->entityList[0]);

and uses it in function vgaHWMapMem():
hwp->Base = xf86MapDomainMemory(scr_index, VIDMEM_MMIO_32BIT, hwp->dev,
				    hwp->MapPhys, hwp->MapSize);

In either case, the vga driver doesn't work in my computer, but
an older version doesn't lock the computer, just doesn't show anything
resembling a desktop...


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