conversion_proc in xserver

Magnus Vigerlöf Magnus.Vigerlof at
Thu Jan 31 11:55:53 PST 2008

On måndag 21 januari 2008, Vinay Reddy wrote:
> Hi,
> When Xorg moved to the new input API (commit
> 60ea7b51fe2b8a19a08b63db48504971a7a50ee6), xf86PostMotionEvent() no
> longer calls the input device's conversion_proc. Are the input devices
> expected to do the conversion and send in screen coordinates for the
> events?

At the moment the drivers have to do the conversion before calling 
xf86PostMotionEvent(). But as soon as I've done some more testing I'll start 
pushing patches from bug 10324 into master, and then this conversion should 
not be needed anymore.

> If so, shouldn't _LocalDeviceRec in 
> xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86Xinput.h be modified to remove
> conversion_proc? This way, input drivers using conversion_proc will
> fail to build and the maintainers will know what to fix, rather than
> some random error (in case of vmmouse, the mouse is just stuck at the
> bottom right corner).

That would probably have been a good idea when the XInput version was stepped. 
For now I think the drivers have been corrected and I'd rather leave it as it 
is and do the cleanup when the version is stepped again for another reason.


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