building X.Org the current way

Jason Roscoe jason.roscoe at
Thu Jan 10 07:41:47 PST 2008

I am new to the list.  I have some experience building the older X 
releases (with Imake) so I understand the build process for those 
releases (make Makefiles, includes, depend, etc).  But, I am currently 
trying to build the 7.1.1 tree and I am not sure how to recover from a 
failed toplevel build.  I was following the instructions from the 
ModularDevelopersGuide wiki pages and my build failed in 
lib/libXcomposite because I didn't have 'xmlto' installed.  So, now I've 
installed 'xmlto' and I am ready to continue with the build.  What is 
the correct way to pick up where I left off?  Of course I don't want to 
do an entire toplevel build again because that will take a long time.  I 
noticed some of the Makefiles in subdirectories haven't been created yet 
and I'm not sure how to create them.

Thanks for any help.


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